Fieragricola is dedicated both to farming enthusiasts and professionals seeking to specialize in the agricultural sector

The exhibition offers indeed significant and key opportunities

  • to extend the professional network.
  • to take advantage of unique networking opportunities with the sector’s key specialists and qualified buyers.
  • to keep up to date on regulatory aspects and development trends.
  • to discover the latest developments in the market, source new products and innovative technologies.


espositori.svg 520  Exhibitors (from 11 countries)
visitatori.svg 68.000  Trade professionals (from 80 countries)
buyer.svg 29  Target countries for foreign buyers
associzione_allevatori.svg 20 Breeder Associations
capi_bestiame.svg 500 Head of cattle exhibited
convegni_eventi.svg 120 Conferences and events

Resta aggiornato su novità di fiera e di settore!